Arch of the South Entrance of VDNKh

Arch of the South Entrance of VDNKh

Russia, Moscow
How, with the help of modern technologies and a design approach, to complement, but not change the recognizable architectural image of the arch built in 1953? The task was well accomplished thanks to EVOLINE LED, GLOSS LED and WASHLINE MINI LED luminaires, manufactured at Lighting Technologies plant in Ryazan. The project was implemented together with the Eco Light Electrotechnical Company. The South Entrance serves as a secondary entrance to the exhibition and was built opposite the North Entrance (originally the main one) in order to introduce symmetry into the layout of the exhibition complex. The architectural structure of the arch itself is a combination of a portico and a lavishly decorated single-span triumphal arch.
Arch of the South Entrance of VDNKh - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии