Belarusian NPP

Belarusian NPP

Belarus, Grodno region
It is the first nuclear power plant in Belarus, type AES-2006. It is located at the northwestern border in the agricultural town of Vornany, 18 km from Astravyets city in the Grodno Region. The launch of the first unit of the nuclear power plant took place in August 2020. In the first quarter of 2021, it is planned to start commercial operation of the first power unit.
Belarusian NPP - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии
Lighting of the dome above the nuclear reactor. Increased requirements for the quality of lighting fixtures, temperature range and installation method.
Lighting Technologies developed modifications of lighting fixtures specifically for the project, taking into account all the requirements in harsh operating conditions (aggressive environment, explosive zone, radiation, high temperature). The modifications were approved at all levels.