Katyusha IT office

Katyusha IT office

Russia, Moscow
Katyusha IT is a Russian software developer and manufacturer of office equipment. Katyusha IT is a resident of Skolkovo and a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as well as the Association of Software Developers "Domestic Soft".
Katyusha IT office - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии
Creation of modern energy-efficient lighting according to the design project and based on a control system.
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:712:"Lighting Technologies developed a lighting calculation and manufactured all the lamps used in the project.A modern IT company is a dynamic office space, where each IT project needs its own work cell. So, the transformation of the office is more important than ever. The light must be able to respond to multiple changes in the office and must be DALI dimmable. In this office, Lighting Technologies