Lighting Technologies, Moscow office

Lighting Technologies, Moscow office

Russia, Moscow
The company's Moscow office moved into an adjacent building, which was renovated based on a specially designed project. We carefully considered the whole lighting concept. The main goal was to create a comfortable working environment, to use advanced energy-efficient technology and comply with environmental standards. Each of the zones has its own specific lighting idea. In the open-space (offices), LED pendant luminaires were used to provide good illumination of the workplace. Comfort was achieved through high horizontal and vertical illuminance, little contrast between the brightness of the background and the work surface, and no glare effect. A cozy atmosphere in the cafe is created by our stylish LT EMOTIONS luminaires. In the reception area, the lighting solutions make the interior look more spacious and dynamic. The main goal in the lighting design of the corridors was to visually expand the space. Light control systems were installed in the office to control the luminaires. Light scenarios can be changed to create a different atmosphere in one area. Motion sensors allow to cut energy costs in those areas where permanent light is not necessary.
Lighting Technologies, Moscow office - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии