Gorky Art Theatre

Gorky Art Theatre

Russia, Moscow
The building of the Gorky Art Theater was built in 1972. The chief architect Vladimir Kubasov developed the theater lighting concept, which included chandeliers in the form of stalagmites and stairs with illuminated handrails, visually smoothing the transition from one hall to another and hiding the asymmetry of the indoor space. A Soviet type of griliato ceilings were installed in the exhibition area on the third floor, the lighting was provided by accent spotlights distributed around the perimeter.
Gorky Art Theatre - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:659:"During the replacement of lighting in the theater, the lighting design deviated from the original concept, some decorative fixtures were not used. The main task for Lighting Technologies was to develop a modern lighting concept that was visually close to the original design of 1972. This included the restoration of the historic lighting fixtures (to illuminate the stalagmites and railings). The solution had to be developed and installed in a short time due to the near start of the theater season. A separate task was to illuminate the "green" areas of the theater
To solve the task, Lighting Technologies selected luminaires that were closest in design to the devices of the 1972 and made lighting engineering calculations to determine the most suitable levels of illumination. During the implementation, the company identified the problem of glare in certain areas of the theater and worked out a matting overlay for lamps to offset this effect.