Youth Theatre on the Fontanka

Youth Theatre on the Fontanka

Russia, Saint-Petersburg
The realization of this project is an example of the coordinated work of architects and builders. It was necessary to combine modern architecture, technology and the needs of the theater with the features protected by the Committee for the State Inspection and Protection of Historic and Cultural Monuments. So, the Shukhov trusses and the two stone wings remained in their original location and became part of the auditorium. The layout of the new building from above resembles the layout of a classical cathedral. The new theater may be divided into three parts - wings, central part and stage box. These parts differ in height, architecture and function. The reconstruction also affected Izmailovsky Garden. Lighting Technologies carried out a complete supply of equipment for the project. At the detailed design stage, our experts carefully considered the lighting solutions for the auditorium and lobby, and also developed a new model of FROST lamps with emergency power units (a rare case for a wall device with energy-saving lamps), as well as directional light fixtures. The lighting of adjacent areas and the facade was also implemented with solutions inspired by theater traditions.
Youth Theatre on the Fontanka - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии