Auchan hypermarket chain

Auchan hypermarket chain

Russia, Moscow region
Auchan Holding is a French corporation present in many countries of the world. It is one of the largest retail chain operators globally.
Auchan hypermarket chain - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии
According to the customer specification, it was necessary to illuminate the supermarket departments with special spectrum luminaires.
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:880:"The lighting was replaced in Auchan and Atak hypermarkets in Moscow and the Moscow region, using ARMA / T LED lamps.In Atak, the vegetable and fruit area was illuminated with ARMA/T LED 28 WH D60 FRUIT luminaires. Special attention was paid to the choice of the LED matrix when developing the ARMA/T LED 28 W D60 FRUIT modification for illuminating fresh vegetable and fruit display areas. It was important to convey the main colors of fruits and vegetables