pulp and paper mill

features and approaches to lighting
The basis of this production is the chemical processing of wood, aimed at obtaining materials such as cellulose, paper, cardboard and products from them. This industry is characterized by high consumption of electricity, water and other raw materials, sophisticated technical equipment and difficult working conditions.
key production areas
Зал бумагоделательной машины (БДМ)
Цех выпарки целлюлозы
Цех каустизации и регенерации извести (ЦКРИ)
features and principles of lighting
Paper machine room (PM)
This type of industrial premises is characterized by a ceiling height of up to 24 m, a large area, high ambient temperatures (temperatures at the top of the premises in summer can reach 60 ° C) and relative air humidity up to 100%. Under such operating conditions, the choice of lighting equipment is not an easy task, the solution of which directly affects the safety of personnel and the production process as a whole.
As a rule, PM premises are multi-level. On the upper level there is a machine room, in which there is a rolling-drying machine. Luminaires are mounted on beams or built into false ceilings. The presence of false ceilings is an additional difficulty when choosing lighting equipment, since this type of ceiling system imposes restrictions on the weight and method of installation of fixtures.
Auxiliary equipment is located at the lower level of the PM hall: pipelines, cable routes, etc. - the organization of local lighting is necessary here.
Pulp evaporation shop
The premises are characterized by an extremely aggressive environment, in which there are alkali and acid vapors. The temperature in the room can reach +40 °C. Installation height of fixtures up to 8 meters. Installation on metal structures or walls/ceilings.
Lime causticization and regeneration shop (TsKRI)
The premises are characterized by an extremely aggressive environment, in which there are alkali and acid vapors, a high degree of pollution and ambient temperatures up to +50 °C. The ceiling height in these rooms can reach up to 13 meters.
This type of industrial premises is characterized by a ceiling height of up to 24 m, a large area, high ambient temperatures (temperatures at the top of the premises in summer can reach 60 ° C) and relative air humidity up to 100%. Under such operating conditions, the choice of lighting equipment is not an easy task, the solution of which directly affects the safety of personnel and the production process as a whole.
As a rule, PM premises are multi-level. On the upper level there is a machine room, in which there is a rolling-drying machine. Luminaires are mounted on beams or built into false ceilings. The presence of false ceilings is an additional difficulty when choosing lighting equipment, since this type of ceiling system imposes restrictions on the weight and method of installation of fixtures.
Auxiliary equipment is located at the lower level of the PM hall: pipelines, cable routes, etc. - the organization of local lighting is necessary here.
Pulp evaporation shop
The premises are characterized by an extremely aggressive environment, in which there are alkali and acid vapors. The temperature in the room can reach +40 °C. Installation height of fixtures up to 8 meters. Installation on metal structures or walls/ceilings.
Lime causticization and regeneration shop (TsKRI)
The premises are characterized by an extremely aggressive environment, in which there are alkali and acid vapors, a high degree of pollution and ambient temperatures up to +50 °C. The ceiling height in these rooms can reach up to 13 meters.
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