open spaces

open spaces

Open Space is the most common type of office space layout. It is the most cost-effective in terms of the cost of renting office space and the cost of technical equipment, but it also has a number of disadvantages, which, however, can be offset by proper lighting.
open spaces - проектирование освещения от компании Световые Технологии
features of lighting work areas
Open Space is the most common type of office space layout. Of course, it has a number of undeniable advantages: the absence of physical boundaries between employees helps to overcome the emotional barrier, simplify communication, and increase the efficiency of teamwork. Open Space is the most cost-effective in terms of office space rental and technical equipment costs.

However, this approach has a number of disadvantages, and the main one is the lack of personal space for a person. Lighting helps a lot with this problem. Modern approaches to the organization of the light environment in open offices are based on space zoning according to the functional purpose of its elements. Light allows you to separate the work area from the recreation area or space for negotiations, highlight the aisles and provide comfortable navigation, create conditions for the productive work of employees. The use of lighting control systems helps to make the lighting installation even more flexible and adaptable.

Another characteristic feature of modern Open Space is the increased noise level. It may seem unexpected, but this problem can also be eliminated by the right choice of lighting equipment - for example, noise-absorbing luminaires of the PROFILE ACOUSTIC series. Thanks to the melamine foam coating, these light fixtures provide a level of noise reduction equivalent to soundproof ceiling panels.

The requirements for meeting lighting standards (illumination level and its uniformity, color rendering index, color temperature, glare limitation) play a special role here - after all, the quality of the work of personnel directly depends on the quality of the light environment.
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