outdoor lighting

features and approaches to lighting
TPPs are large facilities with a developed infrastructure, including a system of transport lines, overpasses and other functional areas located outside the buildings. When choosing lighting equipment for outdoor lighting, it is necessary to take into account the method of its placement, climatic design, installation features and the type of light distribution. One of the types of thermal power plants is a combined heat and power plant (CHP). Often, these stations are located within the city limits or in adjacent areas, in which case their nighttime appearance contributes to the formation of the ecosystem of the urban environment. When designing the outdoor lighting installation of such thermal power plants, it is necessary to take into account not only the general ergonomic parameters, but also the issue of light pollution, as well as the aesthetic factor. In order to fit thermal power plants into the urban environment, they often resort to architectural and artistic lighting techniques - for example, colored or color-dynamic lighting of cooling towers.
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