
features and approaches to lighting
Ore extraction can be carried out by mine operations (underground mining) and quarry (open) operations. Some enterprises use a combined approach, using both underground and open pit mining.
When organizing mine work, well-designed lighting is of particular importance, since the risk of an emergency due to the formation of an explosive dusty air environment or the concentration of combustible substances in mines is much higher than during open work. In addition to the general requirements for industrial lighting equipment, such as high efficiency, protection against dust, moisture and mechanical damage, resistance to climatic influences, luminaires used for lighting mines must meet the requirements of fire and explosion safety, according to the placement category.
Open pit mining also has its own specifics. career development can take place at any time of the day, as well as under various weather conditions. To ensure uninterrupted operation and compliance with safety requirements, in accordance with the rules of the technical
operation, when working at night, the places of work of excavators, drilling machines and other equipment must be well lit.
The open areas of the quarries are illuminated by floodlights from special masts and support structures. Until recently, LED spotlights could hardly compete with lamp solutions in this segment (DKST 2000, MGL 1000, DNAT 1000). However, today we are ready to offer a number of products that can increase the efficiency of a lighting installation and minimize its operating costs. In addition to high efficiency, for normal operation in environmental conditions, lighting equipment must have a high degree of protection against dust and moisture, be resistant to various climatic and weather conditions.
In addition, at almost any ore mining enterprise, it is necessary to organize perimeter lighting and lighting of access and auxiliary territories.
When organizing mine work, well-designed lighting is of particular importance, since the risk of an emergency due to the formation of an explosive dusty air environment or the concentration of combustible substances in mines is much higher than during open work. In addition to the general requirements for industrial lighting equipment, such as high efficiency, protection against dust, moisture and mechanical damage, resistance to climatic influences, luminaires used for lighting mines must meet the requirements of fire and explosion safety, according to the placement category.
Open pit mining also has its own specifics. career development can take place at any time of the day, as well as under various weather conditions. To ensure uninterrupted operation and compliance with safety requirements, in accordance with the rules of the technical
operation, when working at night, the places of work of excavators, drilling machines and other equipment must be well lit.
The open areas of the quarries are illuminated by floodlights from special masts and support structures. Until recently, LED spotlights could hardly compete with lamp solutions in this segment (DKST 2000, MGL 1000, DNAT 1000). However, today we are ready to offer a number of products that can increase the efficiency of a lighting installation and minimize its operating costs. In addition to high efficiency, for normal operation in environmental conditions, lighting equipment must have a high degree of protection against dust and moisture, be resistant to various climatic and weather conditions.
In addition, at almost any ore mining enterprise, it is necessary to organize perimeter lighting and lighting of access and auxiliary territories.
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